Episode 1

Published on:

1st Mar 2022

The Beginning, An Overview Of The Era

Whenever a new book of Scripture is introduced, I want to produce an episode like this. The goal is threefold—support, Overview, and Context.

Support. I want you to know that the Bible Breakthrough is a production of the Breakthrough Media Network, which is entirely funded by Breakthrough Ministries. Breakthrough Ministries is a nonprofit, faith-funded Christian outreach organization committed to reaching the lost. Jesus left all of us, all of his followers, with the charge to make him known to all nations.

Consider the significance of the following statement here. Working together as the body of Christ, those who take the message of Christ, Word is needed, and those, like you, who send the messengers both receive the blessings of joining God in his work around the world. Please click on the donation link in the description notes of this episode to support the work of this ministry.

One-time gifts are needed and appreciated; however, Breakthrough asks that you consider becoming a committed monthly supporter. Regardless, our God is sovereign, and He owns everything, so pray and ask God if He wants you to support this work. Of course, all donations are tax-deductible.


The Book of Genesis contains seven mega themes:

Beginnings: Genesis explains the beginnings of many important realities, the universe, the earth, people, sin, and God's plan of salvation. God teaches us that the earth is well-made, and it's good., People are special to God, and they're unique. God creates and sustains all life.

Disobedience: People always face great choices, and disobedience occurs when people choose, not when they choose not to follow God's plan of living. Genesis explains why people are evil. They choose to do wrong. Even the great Bible heroes failed God, and they disobeyed.

 Sin: Sin happens when we disobey God. Living God's way is what makes life productive and fulfilling.

Promises: God makes promises to help and protect people. These kinds of promises are called covenants. God kept his promises then, and he keeps them now. He promises to love us. He promises to accept and forgive us.

Obedience: The opposite of sin is obedience, obeying God. And when we do, it restores our relationship with him. The only way to enjoy the benefits of God's promises is to obey him.

Prosperity:  Prosperity is deeper. The more material wealth, the more prosperity and fulfillment we read about in the Bible because of obedience. When people obey God, they find peace with him. They find peace with others, and we find peace with ourselves.


Israel: God started the nation of Israel to have dedicated people who keep his ways alive in the world and proclaim to the world what he's like and prepare the world for the birth of Christ.


God's looking for people today to follow him. And we are to proclaim God's truth and to love all nations, not just our own. We must be faithful to carry out the mission that God has given us. Now, what can we

expect to glean from this book? There are many things that we could discuss, but I've included three topics to consider: 

1. Satan has a plan against us.

2. The flood. Did this really happen?

3. Evolution. What does the Bible say?

No matter where you are on this journey, be encouraged. I want you to know that there is hope. No matter how dark the world seems, God has a plan. No matter how insignificant or useless you might feel. God loves you. He wants to use you in His plan; no matter how sinful and separated from God you feel like you are, His salvation is available to you.  

I look forward to our next meeting together as we dive into the Holy Scriptures and discover the first Era called Beginnings.

To support our mission, go to: https://www.breakthroughmn.org/take-action

To Join The Insiders Club, go to: https://bit.ly/3vrhZpu

To receive prayer, email with the subject line "Prayer Request" to info@breakthroughmn.org

Don't forget to follow us on your favorite podcast platform and YouTube @TheBibleBreakthrough




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About the Podcast

The Bible Breakthrough
Breaking Down the Bible BC to AD
The Bible Breakthrough Podcast breaks down the Bible from BC to AD. In chronological order, we introduce historical context as we journey together from the beginning to the end. Get ready to experience the Bible in a new and fresh way, bringing understanding and revelation like never before, and discovering easy and practical ways to walk out the Bible in your day-to-day.

Have you ever opened your Bible and asked yourself?
• Where should I even start?
• What does this passage mean?
• How does this apply to my life?
• What does this have to do with today?
• Why can’t I understand what He is saying to me through His Word?

What do you do? Couple that with the pressures of daily life, and you, like many Christians, stop reading it altogether.

What is the outcome? Spiritual starvation! We are wired to hunger and thirst for this Word, and when we don’t read the Bible regularly, we begin starving to death spiritually.

If that is you, you are in the right place!

The Bible is a collection of 66 books laid out in “Canonical order,” which means the order in the books is typically arranged. It does not represent the order in which the events of the Bible unfolded, and therefore, for many people, it is just plain confusing.

The Bible Breakthrough will show you how to consume the Word like eating a meal. The Bible reveals ten eras of history, and we have created episodes for each era. We serve scripture to you in small bites that you can swallow and digest to satisfy the spiritual hunger you crave.
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About your hosts

David Engman

Profile picture for David Engman
Pastor David Engman is married to Christine, and together they have four children, one son-in-law, and six grandchildren. They live in Lakeville, MN. Christine is the Local & National Impact Coordinator at Hosanna Church in Lakeville. In 2006, David left a career in business to pursue a call into full-time ministry. He completed “The Potter’s Wheel” two-year study course through Hosanna Church and a two-year Leadership Development course through Bethel’s Global Legacy program. David was Ordained in 2012 and is the founder of Breakthrough Ministries and the President & CEO of the organization.

Scott Brekke

Profile picture for Scott Brekke
Scott first volunteered with Breakthrough in June 2020 with his wife, Kayla, and their girls, Skye and Blaire. Scott’s love of talking and praying with the homeless guests was undeniable, and by September 2020, Scott joined our staff. “Breakthrough Ministries is like a family; everyone is a brother/sister-in-Christ!” Scott and his wife and daughters live in North Branch, MN, and attend Northbrook Church. Scott loves woodworking and doing anything creative that he can do to work with his hands. Kayla is a medical coder at Welia Health and homeschools Skye and Blaire.